In this month, Your break-even ROAS is {{ getBreakEvenBenchmarkVal(1) }}, Your total actual ROAS stands at {{ getBreakEvenActualVal(1) }}. {{ getStrROAS() }}
  • {{ compareLeftDataValue(1, 0) ? "Since your actual ROAS exceeds your break-even ROAS, you've achieved the marketing efficiency required to break even. Consider increasing your marketing budget if you can maintain this level of efficiency." : "Your Actual ROAS < Break-even ROAS, you should improve your Actual ROAS by increasing conversion rate, increasing AOV, and decreasing CPC." }}
  • {{ breakEvenLastData.length > 2 ? (breakEvenLastData[2]["num"] == 'N/A' ? "Since your contribution margin ratio is negative, each sale adds to your loss. Break-even revenue cannot be reached." : "Your store revenue needs to exceed " + breakEvenLastData[2]["num"] + " to break even.") : "" }}
Acquisition Analysis
  • {{ }}
    {{ tar.num }}
Retention Analysis
  • {{ }}
    {{ tar.num }}
    {{ tar.small }}
{{ compareLeftDataValue(1, 0) ? breakEvenData.suggestionItem[0] : breakEvenData.suggestionItem[1] }}
Break-even Point For Latest Month
{{ }}
{{ tar.num }}
{{ breakEvenLastData.length > 2 ? (breakEvenLastData[2]["num"] == 'N/A' ? "Since your contribution margin ratio is negative, each sale adds to your loss. Break-even revenue cannot be reached." : "Your store revenue needs to exceed " + breakEvenLastData[2]["num"] + " to break even.") : "" }}
Historical Income Statement
{{ }}
${{ tar.num }}
